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Dr. Gerardo Ceballos

Ramírez-Pulido, J., G. Ceballos y S.L. Williams. 1980. A noteworthy record of the long-legged Myotis [Myotis volans] from Central Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 25:124.

Ceballos, G. y C. Galindo. 1983. Glaucomys volans goldmani [Rodentia: Sciuridae] in Central Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 28:375-376.

Ceballos, G. y D.E. Wilson. 1985. Cynomys mexicanus. Mammalian Species, 248:1-3.

Ceballos, G. y A. Miranda. 1985. Notes on the biology of Mexican flying squirrels [Glaucomys volans] [Rodentia: Sciuridae]. The Southwestern Naturalist, 30:454-455.

Ceballos, G. y R. Medellín. 1988. Diclidurus albus. Mammalian Species, 316:1-4.

Ceballos, G. 1989. Diversidad y estado de conservación de los mustélidos en México. Conservación de mustélidos y viveridos, 1: 8.

Hasson, O., R. Hibbard y G. Ceballos. 1989. The pursuit-deterrent behaviour of the zebra-tailed lizard (Callisaurus draconoides). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1203-1209.

Ceballos, G. 1990. Historia natural comparada de pequeños mamíferos de los bosques tropicales del occidente de México. Journal of Mammalogy , 71: 263-266.

Ceballos, G. 1990. Historia natural comparada de pequeños mamíferos de los bosques tropicales del occidente de México. Journal of Mammalogy , 71: 263-266.

Miller, B. y G. Ceballos. 1993. Managing conflict and biotic diversity in the prairie dog ecosystem. Endangered Species Update, 11:1-4.

Ceballos, G. 1993. Comentario. Revista de recursos naturales , 33: 371-373.

Miller, B., G. Ceballos y R. Reading. 1994. The prairie dog and biotic diversity. Conservation Biology, 8:677-681.

Best, T. y G. Ceballos. 1995. Spermophilus perotensis. Mammalian Species, 507:1-3.

Ceballos, G. y J.H. Brown. 1995. Global patterns of mammalian diversity, endemism, and endangerment. Conservation Biology, 9:559-568.

Ceballos, G. y A. García. 1995. Conserving Neotropical biodiversity: the role of dry forests in Western Mexico. Conservation Biology, 9:1349-1353.

Ceballos, G. 1995. Editorial: Biodiversidad y conservación en el Neotrópico. Mastozoología Neotropical, 2: 3-4.

García, A. y G. Ceballos. 1995. Reproduction and breeding success of California Least terns in Jalisco, Mexico. Condor, 97:1084-1087. 

González-Rebeles, C., N. Parker, V. Burke, M. Jennings y G. Ceballos. 1997. First international GAP Analysis project. GAP Analysis Bulletin, 6:33-34.

Ceballos, G., T.H. Fleming, C. Chávez y J. Nassar. 1997. Population dynamics of Leptonycteris curasoae [Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae] in Jalisco, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy, 78:1220-1230.

Valdéz, M. y G. Ceballos. 1997. Conservation of endemic mammals of Mexico: the Perote ground squirrel (Spermophilus perotensis). Journal of Mammalogy, 78:74-82. 

Bazzaz, F., G. Ceballos, M. Davis, R. Dirzo, P.R. Ehrlich, et al. 1998. Ecological science and the human predicament. Science, 282:879.

Ceballos, G., B. Vieyra and J. Ramírez-Pulido. 1998. A recent record of the Volcano rabbitt [Romerolagus diazi] from the Nevado de Toluca, State of Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, 3:149-150.

Ceballos, G., P. Rodríguez y R. Medellín. 1998. Assessing conservation priorities in megadiverse Mexico: mammalian diversity, endemicity, and endangerment. Ecological Applications, 8:8-17. 

Gonzalez-Rebeles, C., V.J. Burke, M.D. Jennings, G. Ceballos y N.C. Parker. 1998. Transnational GAP analysis of the Rio Bravo/Rio Grande region. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Journal, 64:1115-1118. 

Medellín R., G. Ceballos y H. Zarza. 1998. Spilogale pygmaea. Mammalian Species, 600:1-3.

Vázquez-Domínguez, E., D. Piñero y G. Ceballos. 1998. Heterozygosity patterning and its relation to fitness components in experimental populations of Liomys pictus from tropical forests in Western Mexico. Journal of the Linnean Society, 65:501-514.

Medellín, R., F. Colchero, C. Manterola, F. Ramírez y G. Ceballos. 1999. The Tiburon island bighorn sheep program: an example of binational, interinstitutional cooperation and sustainable development in a Mexican Indian and protected area. Wild Sheep, Spring: 71-72.

Ceballos, G., J. Pacheco y R. List. 1999. Influence of prairie dogs [Cynomys ludovicianus] on habitat heterogeneity and mammalian diversity in Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments, 41: 161-172. 

List, R., G. Ceballos y J. Pacheco. 1999. Status of the North American porcupine [Erethizon dorsatum] in Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 44:400-404. 

Manzano, P., R. List y G. Ceballos. 1999. Grassland birds in prairie dog towns in Northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology, 19:263-271. 

Vázquez-Domínguez, E., D. Piñero y G. Ceballos. 1999. Linking heterozygosity, demography, and fitness of tropical populations of Liomys pictus. Journal of Mammalogy, 80: 810-822.

Miller, B., R. Reading, J. Hoogland, T. Clark, G. Ceballos, R. List, S. Forrest, L.  Hanebury, P. Manzano y J. Pacheco, D. Uresk. 2000. The role of prairie dogs a keystone species: a response to Stapp. Conservation Biology, 14:318-321. 

Valenzuela, D. y G. Ceballos. 2000. Habitat selection, home range, and activity of the white-nosed coati, Nasua narica, in a Mexican tropical dry forest. Journal of Mammalogy, 81:810-819.

Suzán, G., G. Ceballos, J. Mills, T.G. Ksiazek y T.L. Yates. 2001. Serologic evidence of hantavirus infection in sigmodontine rodents in Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 37:391-393. 

Mantooth, S.J., M.L. Milazzo, R.D. Bradley, C.L. Hice, G. Ceballos, R.B. Tesch y C.F. Fulhorst. 2001. Geographical distribution of rodent-associated hantavirus in Texas. Journal of Vector Ecology, 26:7-14.

Chávez, C. and G. Ceballos. 2002. New records of tropical dry forest’s mammals from the state of México. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, 6:90-98.

Vázquez, E., G. Ceballos y D. Piñero. 2002. Exploring the relation between genetic structure and habitat heterogeneity in the rodent Liomys pictus from Chamela, Jalisco. Acta Zoológica Mexicana [nueva serie], 86:17-28.

Mellink, E., G. Ceballos y J. Luevano. 2002. Population demise and extinction threat of the Angel de la Guarda deer mouse (Peromyscus guardia). Biological Conservation, 108:107-111.

Ceballos, G. y P.R. Ehrlich. 2002. Mammal population losses and the extinction crisis. Science, 296: 904-907.

Valenzuela, D. y G. Ceballos, A. García. 2000. Mange epizootic in white-nosed coatis in western Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 36:56-63. 

Ceballos, G., J. Arroyo-Cabrales y R.A. Medellín. 2002. The mammals of México: composition, distribution, and status. Occasional Papers, Texas Tech University, 218:1-27.

Ceballos, G., H. Zarza y M. Steele. 2002. Xenomys nelsoni. Mammalian Species, 704:1-3.

García, A., G. Ceballos y R. Adaya. 2003. Intensive beach management as an improved sea turtle conservation strategy in Mexico. Biological Conservation, 111:253-261.

Daily, G., G. Ceballos y J. Pacheco, G. Suzán, A. López. 2003. Countryside Biogeography of Neotropical Mammals: Conservation Opportunities in Agricultural Landscapes of Costa Rica. Conservation Biology, 17:1-11

Zarza, H. y G. Ceballos, M. Steele. 2003. Marmosa canescens. Mammalian Species, 725:1-3.

Ceballos, G. 2004. Investigación y política de conservación ecológica en México. Boletín de la Sociedad para la Biología de la Conservación, 11: 13-14

Felger, R.S., W.J. Nichols, J.A. Seminoff, J.L. Cartron, G. Ceballos, y R. Felger. 2004. Sea turtles in northwest Mexico: conservation, ethnobiology, and desperation. Sonoran Herpetologists, 17:26-27.

Bradley, R.D., F. Mendez-Harclerode, M. J. Hamilton y G. Ceballos. 2004. A new species of Reithrodontomys from Guerrero, Mexico. Occasional Papers, Texas Tech University, 231:1-12.

Vázquez-Domínguez, E., G. Ceballos, y J. Cruzado. 2004. Extirpation of an insular subspecies by a single introduced cat: the case of the endemic deer mouse Peromyscus guardia on Estanque Island, Mexico. Oryx, 38:347-350.

Ceballos, G. P.R. Ehrlich, J. Soberón, I. Salazar y J.P. Fay. 2005. Global mammal conservation: what must we manage? Science, 309:603-607.

Maass, J.P., P. Balvanera, […], G. Ceballos, L. Barraza, R. Ayala y J. Sarukhán. 2005. Ecosystem Services of Tropical Dry Forests:  Insights from Long-term Ecological and Social Research on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Ecology and Society, 10:17.

Suzán, G. y G. Ceballos. 2005. The role of feral mammals on wildlife infectious disease prevalence in two natural reserves within Mexico City limits. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Management, 36:479-484.

Suzán, G. y G. Ceballos. 2005. The role of feral mammals on wildlife infectious disease prevalence in two natural reserves within Mexico City limits. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Management, 36:479-484.

Burton, A. M. y G. Ceballos. 2006. Northern-Most record of the Collared Anteater [Tamandua mexicana] from the Pacific Slope of Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología, 10:67-70.

Ceballos, G. y P.R. Ehrlich. 2006. Global mammal distributions, biodiversity hotspots and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [US], 103:19374-19379.

Manzano-Fischer, P., R. List, G. Ceballos y J.L.E. Cartron. 2006. Avian diversity in a priority area for the conservation of North American grasslands: the Janos - Casas Grandes Prairie Dog Complex in northwestern Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation, 15:3801-3825.

Peltz, K., E. Ponce-Guevara, R. Sierra-Corona, R. List y G. Ceballos. 2006. Recent records of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in eastern Sonora and Northwestern Chihuahua, Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist, 51:450-454.

Ceballos, G. 2007. Prioridades de conservación de mamíferos en el México megadiverso: La eficiencia de las redes de reservas . Aplicaciones ecológicas , 17: 569-578.

List, R., G. Ceballos, C. Curtin, P.J.P. Gogan, J. Pacheco y J. Truett. 2007. Historic distribution and challenges to bison recovery in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Conservation Biology, 21:1487-1494.

Carwardine, J., K. A. Wilson, G. Ceballos, P. R. Ehrlich, R. Naidoo, T. Iwamura, S. Hajkowicz y H.P. Possingham. 2008. Cost-effective priorities for global mammal conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105:11446-11450.

Santos-Barrera, G., J. Pacheco y G. Ceballos. 2008. Amphibians and reptiles associated with the prairie dog grasslands ecosystem and surrounding areas at the Janos Casas Grandes Complex, northwestern Chihuahua, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana [nueva serie], 24:125-136.

Santos-Barrera, G., J. Pacheco, […], P.R. Ehrlich y G. Ceballos. 2008. Diversity, natural history and conservation of amphibians and reptiles from the San Vito Region, southwestern Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical, 56:755-778.

Suzán, G., E. Marcé, JT Giermakowski, B. Armién, J. Pascale, J. Mills, G. Ceballos, et al . 2008. El efecto de la fragmentación del hábitat y la diversidad de especies de la prevalencia de hantavirus en Panamá . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1149: 80-83.

Suzán, G., E. Marcé, JT Giermakowski, B. Armién, J. Pascale, J. Mills, G. Ceballos, et al . 2008. El efecto de la fragmentación del hábitat y la diversidad de especies de la prevalencia de hantavirus en Panamá . Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences , 1149: 80-83.

Ceballos, G., M.M. Vale, C. Bonacic, J. Calvo, R. List, N. Bynum, R.A. Medellín, J.A. Simonetti, y J.P. Rodríguez. 2009. Conservation Challenges for the Austral and Neotropical America Section. Conservation Biology, 23:811-817.

Ceballos, G. y P.R. Ehrlich. 2009. Discoveries of new mammal species and their implications for conservation and ecosystem services. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 06:3841-3846.

Chávez, C. y G. Ceballos. 2009. Implications for conservation of the species diversity and population dynamics of small mammals in an isolated reserve in Mexico City. The Journal of Natural Areas, 27:29-40.

Davidson, A. D., M. J. Hamilton, A. G. Boyer, J. H. Brown y G. Ceballos. 2009. Multiple ecological pathways to extinction in mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106:10702 -10705.

Jetz, W., H. Kreft, G. Ceballos y J. Mutke. 2009. Global associations between terrestrial producer and vertebrate consumer diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 276:269-278.

Melo, F.P.L., B. Rodríguez-Herrera, R, L. Chazdon, R.A. Medellín y G. Ceballos. 2009. Small tent-roosting bats promote dispersal of large-seeded plants in a Neotropical forest. Biotropica, 41:737-743.

Sutherland, W., W.M. Adams, RB Aronson, R. Aveling, T.M. Blackburn, S. Broad, G. Ceballos, et al . 2009. Cien cuestiones de importancia para la conservación de la diversidad biológica . Biología de la conservación , 23: 557-567.

Suzán, G., E. Marcé, J.T. Giermakowski, J.N. Mills, G. Ceballos, R.S. Ostfeld, B. Armién, J.M. Pascale y T.L. Yates. 2009. Experimental Evidence for Reduced Rodent Diversity Causing Increased Hantavirus Prevalence. PLoS ONE, 4:e5461.

Brashear, W.A., R.C. Dowler y G. Ceballos. 2010. Climbing as an escape behavior in the American hog-nosed skunk, Conepatus leuconotus. Western North American Naturalist, 70:258-260

Ceballos, G., J. Arroyo-Cabrales y E. Ponce. 2010. Effects of Pleistocene environmental changes on the distribution and community structure of the mammalian fauna of Mexico. Quartenary Research, 73:464-473.

Ceballos, G., A. Davidson, R. List, J. Pacheco, P. Manzano-Fischer y G. Santos. 2010. Rapid decline of a grassland system and its large scale ecological and conservation implications. PLoS ONE, 5:e8562.

Ceballos, G., P. Manzano, et al . 2010. Distribución geográfica, diversidad genética y estado de conservación de la ardilla voladora austral (Glaucomys volans) en México . Documentos ocasionales del museo, Texas Tech University , 299: 1-15 .

Ceballos, G., S. Pompa, E. Espinoza y A. García. 2010. Extralimital distribution of Galapagos (Zalophus wollebaeki) and Northern (Eumetopias jubatus) Sea Lions in Mexico. Aquatic Mammals, 36:188-194

Ceballos, G., A. García y P.R. Ehrlich. 2010. The Sixth Extinction Crisis Loss of Animal Populations and Species. Journal of Cosmology, 8:1821-1831.

Conde, D., F. Colchero, H. Zarza, N. Christensen, J. Sexton, C. Manterola, C. Chávez, A. Rivera, D. Azuara y G. Ceballos. 2010. Sex matters: Modeling male and female habitat differences for jaguar conservation. Biological Conservation, 143:1980-1988.

Davidson, A.D., E. Ponce, D.C. Lightfoot, […] y  G. Ceballos. 2010. Respuesta rápida de un ecosistema de pastizales a una manipulación experimental de un roedor clave y ganado doméstico . Ecología , 91: 3189-3200.

List, R., J. Pacheco, E. Ponce, R. Sierra-Corona y G. Ceballos. 2010. The Janos Biosphere Reserve, Northern Mexico. International Journal of Wilderness, 16:35-41

List, R., O.R.W. Pergmans, J. Pacheco, J. Cruzado y G. Ceballos. 2010. Genetic divergence on Microtus pennsylvanicus chihuahuensis and conservation implications of marginal population extinctions. Journal of Mammalogy, 91:1093-1101.

Melo, F.P.L., E. Martínez-Salas, J. Benítez-Malvido y G. Ceballos. 2010. Forest fragmentation reduces recruitment of large-seeded tree species in a semi-deciduous tropical forest of southern Mexico. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 26:35-46.

Montiel-Arteaga, A., R. Acosta, R., G. Ceballos y G. Suzán. 2010. Flea community and prevalence of Yersinia pestis in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) from northwestern Mexico. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10:101.

Montiel-Arteaga, A., R. Acosta, R., G. Ceballos y G. Suzán. 2010. Flea community and prevalence of Yersinia pestis in black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) from northwestern Mexico. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10:101.

Suzán, G., A. de Villa-Meza, C. Muñoz, R. Ávila-Flores, R. Acosta, E. Rivera, E. Rendon y G. Ceballos. 2010. Seasonal and spatial changes in flea communities of black-tailed prairie dogs of Northwestern Mexico. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 10:102-103.

Colchero, F., D. A. Conde, C. Manterola, C. Chávez, A. Rivera y G. Ceballos. 2011. Jaguars on the move: modeling movement to mitigate fragmentation from road expansion in the Mayan Forest. Animal Conservation, 14:158-166

Giam, X., B.R. Scheffers, N.S. Sodhi, D.S. Wilcove, G. Ceballos y P.R. Ehrlich. 2011. Reservoirs of richness: least disturbed tropical forests are centres of undescribed species diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 279:67-76.

Pompa, S., P.R. Ehrlich y G. Ceballos. 2011. Global distribution and conservation of marine mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108:13600-13605.

Rodríguez-Herrera, B., G. Ceballos y R.A. Medellín. 2011. Ecological aspects of the tent building process by Ectophylla alba (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Acta Chiropterologica, 13:365-372.

Rodríguez-Soto, C., O. Monroy-Vilchis, […], G. Ceballos y A. Falcucci. 2011. Predicting potential distribution of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in Mexico: identification of priority areas for conservation. Diversity and Distribution, 17:350-361.

Soberón, J. y G. Ceballos. 2011. Species richness and range size of the terrestrial mammals of the World: Biological signal within mathematical constraints. PLoS ONE, 6:1-5

Avila-Flores, R., G. Ceballos, A. de Villa-Meza, et al . 2012. Factores asociados a cambios a largo plazo en la distribución de los perros de la pradera de cola negra en el noroeste de México . Conservación biológica . 145: 54-61.

Davidson, A., A.G. Boyer, H. Kimd, S. Pompa-Mansilla, M.J. Hamilton, D.P. Costa, G. Ceballos y J. H. Brown. 2012. Drivers and hotspots of extinction risk in marine mammals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109:3395-3400.

Ochoa, A., J. Gasca, L. Eguiarte y G. Ceballos. 2012. Spatiotemporal population genetics of the endangered Perote ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus perotensis) in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Mammalogy, 93:1060-1074.

Pompa-Mansilla, S., P.R. Ehrlich y G. Ceballos. 2012. Reply to Wiersma and Nudds: Despite constraints, our approach still best available. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109: E289.

Schwartz, M.W., J.J. Hellmann, J.M. McLachlan, D.F. Sax, J.O. Borevitz, J. Brennan, A.E. Camacho, G. Ceballos, [...] y S, Zellmer. 2012. Managed Relocation: integrating the scientific, regulatory and ethical challenges. Bioscience, 62:732 -743. 

Agosta, SJ, J. Bernardo, G. Ceballos y  MA Steele. 2013. Un análisis macrofisiológico de las limitaciones energéticas en el tamaño del rango geográfico en los mamíferos . PL oS ONE , 9: 1-20.

Martínez-Estévez, L., P. Balvanera, E. Fredrickson, J. Pacheco y G. Ceballos. 2013. Prairie dog decline reduces the provision of ecosystem services and leads desertification of semiarid grasslands. PLoS ONE, 8:1-9.

Castellanos-Morales G., J. Gasca-Pineda, G. Ceballos y J. Ortega. 2014. Genetic variation in a peripheral and declining population of blacktailed prairie dogs [Cynomys ludovicianus] from Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 95:467-479

Dirzo, R., H. Young, M. Galetti, G. Ceballos, N.J.B. Isaac y B. Collen. 2014. Defaunation in the Anthropocene. Science, 345:401-406.

González-Maya, […], J. Pacheco y G. Ceballos. 2014. Distribution, range extension and conservation status of the endemic black-headed bushmaster [Lachesis melanocephala] in Costa Rica and Panama. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 9:369-377.

Melo, F.P., J.A. Siqueira, B.A. Santos, O. Álvares-da-Silva, G. Ceballos y E. Bernard. 2014. Football and biodiversity conservation: FIFA and Brazil can still hit a green goal. Biotropica 46:257-259.

Mendenhall, C.D., L.O. Frishkoff, G. Santos-Barrera, J. Pacheco, P.R. Ehrlich, G, Ceballos, G.C. Daily y R.M. Pringle. 2014. Countryside Biogeography of Neotropical Reptiles and Amphibians. Ecology, 95: 856–870.

Moreno-Torres, K., F. Gual-Sill, R. Morales-Jiménez, A.V. Rubio, G. Ceballos y G. Suzán. 2014. Serological Survey of Hantavirus in Rodents from Prairie Dog Ecosistems in Chihuahua, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist, 59:590-594.

Arana-Guardia, R., […], H. Zarza, G. Ceballos y C. Machain-Williams. 2015. Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) from wild mammals in fragmented environments in the South of Yucatán Peninsula, México. Southwestern Entomologist, 40: 657-660.

Ceballos, G., P.R. Ehrlich, A. Barnosky, A. García, R.M. Pringle y T.M. Palmer. 2015. Accelerated Modern Human Induced Species Losses: Entering the Sixth Mass Extinction. Science Advances. 1: e1400253.

González-Maya, J.F., L.R. Víquez-R., A. Arias-Alzate, J.L. Belant y G. Ceballos. 2015. Spatial patterns of species richness and functinal diversity in Costa Rican terrestrial mammals: implications for conservation. Diversity and Distributions, 22:43-56.

González-Maya, J., L. R. Víquez-R., J.L. Belantc y G. Ceballos. 2015. Effectiveness of protected areas for representing species and populations of terrestrial mammals in Costa Rica. PLoS ONE, 10:e0124480.

Montiel-Arteaga, A., D. Atilano, A. Ayanegui, G. Ceballos y G. Suzán. 2015. Risk factors associated with prevalence of antibodies to Leptospira interrogans in a metapopulation of black-tailed prairie dogs in Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 51:28-35.

Sierra-Corona, R., A. Davidson, E. Ponce, H. Luna-Soria y  G. Ceballos. 2015. Perritos de las praderas de cola negra, ganado y conservación de los pastizales áridos de América del Norte . PL oS UNO,  10: e0118602.

Bradley R.D., N. Ordóñez-Garza, G. Ceballos, D.S. Rogers y D.J. Schmidly. 2016. A new species in the Peromyscus boylii species group (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from Michoacán, México. Journal of Mammalogy, 98:154-165.

Ceballos, G. 2016. Observation of attempted predation of a woolly oppossum (Caluromys derbianus) by a tayra (Eira barbara) in daylight in Belize. Revista Mexicana de Mastozoología [Nueva época] 6:46- 49.

Ceballos, G. 2016. IV. Carta encíclica del Papa Francisco Laudato, los riesgos ambientales globales y el futuro de la humanidad . Revisión trimestral de biología , 91: 285-295.

González-Maya, J.F., A. Arias-Azate, R. Granados-Peña, N.J. Mancera-Rodríguez y G. Ceballos. 2016. Environmental determinants and spatial mismatch of mammal diversity measures in Colombia. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 39:77-87.

Ponce-Guevara, E., A. Davidson, R. Sierra y G. Ceballos. 2016. Interactive effects of black-tailed prairie dogs and cattle on shrub encroachment in a desert grassland ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 11:e0154748.

Roques, S., R. Sollman, […], G. Ceballos y F. Palomares. 2016. Effects of habitat deterioration on the population genetics and conservation of the jaguar. Conservation Genetics, 17:125-139.

Barnosky, A.D., E. A. Hadly, P. Gonzalez, J. Head, P. D. Polly, A. M. Lawing, J. T. Eronen, D. D. Ackerly, K. Alex, E. Biber, J. Blois, J. Brashares, G. Ceballos, […] y Z. Zhang. 2017. Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems. Science, 355:1-10.

Ceballos, G., P.R. Ehrlich y R. Dirzo. 2017. Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses anddeclines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114:1-8.

Davidson, A.D., K.T. Shoemaker, B. Weinstein, G.C. Costa, T.M. Brooks, G. Ceballos, V.C. Radelof, C. Rondinini y C.H. Graham. 2017. Geography of current and future global mammal extinction risk. PLoS ONE, 12: e0186934.

De la Torre J. A., J.F. González-Maya, H. Zarza, G. Ceballos y R.A. Medellín. 2017. The jaguar’s spots are darker than they appear: assessing the global conservation status of the jaguar Panthera onca. Oryx, 52:300-315. 

Gómez-Hoyos, D.A., J.F. González-Maya, […] y G. Ceballos. 2017. Mineral-Lick Use By Choloepus hoffmanni (Pilosa: Megalonychidae) At Las Cruces Biological Station, Coto Brus, Costa Rica. The Southwestern Naturalist, 62:278-280.

González-Maya, J.F., E. Martínez-Meyer, R. Medellín y G. Ceballos. 2017. Distribution of mammal functional diversity in the Neotropical realm: Influence of land-use and extinction risk. PLoS ONE, 12: e0175931.

Mason-Romo, E., A. A. Farias y G. Ceballos. 2017. Two decades of climate driving the dynamics of functional and taxonomic diversity of a tropical small mammal community in western Mexico. PLoS ONE, 12:e0189104.

Spatz, D., K.M. Zilliacus, N.D. Holmes, S.H.M. Butchart, P. Genovesi, G. Ceballos, B.R. Tershy y D.A. Croll. 2017. Globally threatened vertebrates on islands with invasive species. Science Advances, 3:e1603080.

Zarza, H., E. Martínez-Meyer, G. Suzán y G. Ceballos, G. 2017. Geographic distribution of Desmodus rotundus in Mexico under current and future climate change scenarios: Implications for bovine paralytic rabies infection. Veterinaria México OA, 4:1-16.

Ceballos, G. y P.R. Ehrlich. 2018. The misunderstood sixth mass extinction. Science, 360:1080-1081.

Mason-Romo, ED, G. Ceballos, et al . 2018. Dinámica poblacional a largo plazo de pequeños mamíferos en bosques secos tropicales, efectos de eventos climáticos inusuales e implicaciones para la gestión y conservación . Ecología y ordenación forestal , 426: 123-133.

Peters, R., WJ Ripple, C. Wolf, M. Moskwik, G. Carreón-Arroyo, G. Ceballos, et al . 2018. Naturaleza dividida, científicos unidos: el muro fronterizo México-Estados Unidos amenaza la biodiversidad y la conservación binacional . BioScience . 68: 740-743.

Rojas-Bracho, L., RC Brusca, S. Álvarez-Borrego, RL Brownell, V. Camacho-Ibar, G. Ceballos, et al . 2018. Las afirmaciones sin fundamento pueden conducir a trágicos resultados de conservación . BioScience , 69: 12-14.

Zeballos, H., K. Pino, C.E. Medina, A. Pari, D. Chávez, N. Tinoco y G. Ceballos. 2018. A new species of small-eared shrew of the genus Cryptotis (Mammalia, Eulipotyphla, Soricidae) from the northernmost Peruvian Andes. Zootaxa, 4377:51-73.

Valdés-González, A., L. Martínez-Estévez, M.E. Ángeles-Villeda y G. Ceballos. 2018. The extinction of the Catarina Pupfish Megupsilon aporus and the implications for the conservation of freshwater fish in Mexico. Oryx, 1-7.

Ripple, W.J., C. Wolf, T.M. New-some, M.G. Betts, G. Ceballos, F. Courchamp, M.W. Hayward, B. Van Valkenburgh, A.D. Wallach y B. Worm. 2019. Are we eating the world's megafauna to extinction? Conservation Letters, 2019:e12627.

Ceballos, G., P.R. Ehrlich, J. Pacheco, N. Valverde-Zúñiga y G.C. Daily. 2019. Conservation in human-dominated landscapes: Lessons from the distribution of the Central American squirrel monkey. Biological Consservation, 237, 41-49.

Rojas-Bracho, L., R.C. Brusca, S. Álvarez-Borrego, R.L. Brownell Jr, V. Camacho-Ibar, G. Cárdenas-Hinojosa, G. Ceballos, [11 autores más] y P.A. Hastings. 2019. Reply to Flessa and Colleagues. BioScience, 69:322-323.

Zeballos, H., K. Pino, J.P. Ludeña, A.C. Escóbar, A. Pari, C.E. Medina y G. Ceballos. 2019. New records of the Peruvian crevice-dwelling bat Tomopeas Ravus (Chiroptera: Molossidae): What do they mean for its conservation? Mastozoologia Neotropical, 26:199-210.

Chapa‐Vargas, L., G. Ceballos, R. Tinajero y E.J. Torres‐Romero. 2019. Latitudinal effects of anthropogenic factors driving raptor species richness across the American continent. Journal of Biogeography, 46:1948-1958.

Ceballos, G., P.R. Ehrlich y P.H. Raven. 2020. Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1-7 doi:10.1073/pnas.1922686117/-/DCSupplemental

Torres-Romero, E.J., A.J. Giordano, G. Ceballos y J.V. López-Bao. 2020. Reducing the sixth mass extinction: Understanding the value of human-altered landscapes to the conservation of the world´s largest territorial mammals. Biological Conservation, 249:1-9 

Raven, P. H., G., Ceballos, P. R., Ehrlich, y T.E. Lovejoy. 2020. RE: Quantitative targets for biodiversity preservation. Science.

Bradshaw, C.J., P.R. Ehrlich, A. Beattie, G. Ceballos, E. Crist, J. Diamond, R. Dirzo, A.H. Ehrlich, J. Harte, M.E. Harte, G. Pyke, P.H. Raven, W.J. Ripple, F. Saltré, C. Turnbull, M. Wackernagel y D.T. Blumstein. 2021. Underestimating the challenges of avoiding a ghastly future. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 1:1-10


Calzada-Arciniega, R.A., F. Romero-Romero y G. Ceballos. 2021. New records for Diadophis punctatus (Linnaeus, 1766)(Squamata: Dipsadidae) in the State of Mexico, Mexico. Herpetology Notes, 14, 977-979.

Cruz, C. G. Santulli-Sanzo y G. Ceballos. 2021. Global patterns of raptor distribution and protected areas optimal selection to reduce the extinction crises. PNAS, 118:e2018203118

Ceballos G., H. Zarza, J.F. González-Maya, J.A. de la Torre, A. Arias-Alzate, C. Alcerreca, H. Bárcenas, et al. 2021. Beyond words: From jaguar population trends to conservation and public policy in Mexico. PLoS ONE 16(10): e0255555

Cruz, C., H. Zarza, J. Vidal-Mateo, V. Urios y G. Ceballos. 2021. Top predator ecology and conservation: lessons from jaguars in Southern Mexico. Conservation Science and Practice, 2021: e328


Ceballos, G., J.A. de la Torre, H. Zarza, et al. 2021. Jaguar distribution, biological corridors and protected areas in Mexico: from science to public policies. Landscape Ecology,


Bradley,R.B., N.O. C. Garza, G. Ceballos, C. Kilpatrick C. y D.J. Schmidly. 2022. Two new species of Peromyscus (Cricetidae: Neotominae) from the
Transverse Volcanic Belt of Mexico.
Journal of Mammology,1–20.


Lopez-Pérez, A.M., O. Lopez-Fernández,  L. Backus, S. Somerville, H. Zarza, I. Cassaigne, G. Ceballos., et al. 2022. Spatial distribution patterns of tick community structure in sympatric jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor) from three ecoregions in Mexico. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 1–10.

Dirzo, R., G. Ceballos y P. Ehrlich. 2022. Circling the drain: the extinction crisis and the future of humanity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377: 20210378

Ceballos, G., González, C.C., Urios, D. Medellín, H.Z. Villanueva, S. Morollón y V.H. Luja. 2022. Spatial ecology of jaguars in Mexico: implications for conservation.Research Square,1:1-24.

García, A.,J.F. González-Maya y G. Ceballos. 2022. Biogeography of terrestrial vertebrates and its conservation implications in a region western Mexico. Plos One, 17: 1-26.

Paez, S.,R. Kraus, B. Sharipo, M. Gilbert, E. Jarvis y Vertebrate Genomes Project Conservation Group. 2022. Reference genomes for conservation. Science, 377: 364-366.


García, A., J.F. González-Maya y G. Ceballos. 2022. Biogeography of terrestrial vertebrates and its conservation implications in a transitional region in western Mexico. Plos One, 17: 1-26.

Nolasco A.L., C. Siebe, G. Ceballos y R. List. 2022. Bison wallows effect on soil properties, vegetation composition and structure in a recently reintroduced area. Therya, 13: 283-295.

Rocha, Y.R., S.M. Gaxiola, C. Chávez, G. Ceballos, C. Bojorquez y D. Díaz. 2023. Jaguar (Panthera onca) food resource use and its interaction with humans: scoping review. Veterinaria México, 10: 1- 27.

Torres-Romero, E. J., G. Ceballos, F. Botello, J.I. González, A.J. Giordano & J.V. López-Bao. 2023. Jaguar conservation in the American continent: the role of protected landscape and human-impacted biomes: Conservación del jaguar en el continente americano: papel de las áreas protegidas y biomas con intervención humana. Revista de Biología Tropical, 71: 1-13.

Ceballos, G., & Ehrlich, P. R. (2023). Mutilation of the tree of life via mass extinction of animal genera. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(39), e2306987120.

Árboles forestales

M. en C. Jesús Pacheco


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